
PA 5.2 Quality Control


The purpose of Quality Control is to statistically manage and control the test process. At this level, test process performance is fully predictable and stabilized within acceptable limits. Testing at a project level is performed using statistical methods based on representative samples in order to predict product quality and make testing more efficient.


Introductory Notes

Quality Control consists of the procedures and practices employed to ensure that a work product or deliverable conforms to standards or requirements. In a broad view, the Quality Control procedures and practices can also be applied to the processes creating the product, thereby creating a feedback loop in line with the prevention-oriented and optimizing approach of TMMi level 5. At TMMi level 5, organizations use Quality Control to drive the testing process.


Process Quality Control is supported by statistical techniques and methodologies. The basis for process quality control is viewing the testing process as a series of steps, each of which is a process in itself with a set of inputs and outputs. Ideally the output of each step is determined by rules, procedures and/or standards that prescribe how the step is to be executed. Practically speaking the outcome of a step may be different than expected. The differences are caused by variations. Variations may be due to human error, influences outside of the process, unpredictable events such as hardware/software malfunctions and so forth. If there are many unforeseen variations impacting the process step, then the process will be unstable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. When a process is unpredictable then it cannot be relied upon to give quality results.


An organization that controls its processes quantitatively will be able to do the following:  Determine the stability of a process  Identify the process performance within the defined natural boundaries  Identify unpredictable processes  Identify the improvement opportunities in existing processes  Identify the best performing processes


Process quality control involves establishing objectives for the performance of the standard test process, which is defined in the Test Lifecycle and Integration process area. These objectives should be based on the defined test policy. As already stated in the Test Lifecycle and Integration process area, multiple standard test processes may be present to address the needs of different application domains, test levels, lifecycle models, methodologies, and tools in use in the organization. Based on the measurements taken on test process performance from the projects, analysis takes place and adjustments are made to maintain test process performance within acceptable limits. When the test process performance is stabilized within acceptable limits, the defined test process, the associated measurements and the acceptable limits for measurements are established as a baseline and used to control test process performance statistically. The test process capability of the organization’s standard test process, i.e., the test process performance a new project can expect to attain, is now fully understood and known. As a result, the deviations from these expectations can be acted upon in a project early and consistently to ensure that the project performs within the acceptable limits. The test process capability can be used to establish unambiguous quantitative test process performance objectives for the project.


Product quality control builds on operational profiles [Musa] and usage models of the product in its intended environment to make statistically valid inferences resulting in a representative sample of test cases. This approach, especially useful at the system test level, uses statistical testing methods to predict product quality based on this representative sample. In other words, when testing a subset of all possible usages as represented by the usage or operational profile, the test results can serve as the basis for conclusions about the product’s overall performance. At TMMi level 5, an organization is able to quantify confidence levels and trustworthiness because the infrastructure has been provided to reflect the most frequently requested operations or paths through an operational profile using historical data. Using test data from statistical testing, models such as reliability growth models are built to predict the confidence level and trustworthiness of the system. Confidence level, usually expressed as a percentage, provides information as to the likelihood that the product is defect free. Trustworthiness is defined as the probability that there are no defects in the product that will cause the system to fail. Both the level of confidence and trustworthiness are typically used as exit criteria when applying statistical testing. At TMMi level 5 these factors are used in combination and are usually the main drivers to determine when to stop testing.


Note that addressing product quality control and statistical testing requires a great deal of expertise with statistical techniques including modeling, usage modeling, statistics, testing, and measurements. Specialists must be selected and trained to become leaders in this area of testing.

备注,处理产品质量控制和统计测试需要大量的统计技术经验,包括模型,使用模型,统计学,测试和测量。 员工被选择和培训来成为这个测试领域的领导。


The process area Quality Control addresses the practices for establishing a statistically controlled test process (process quality control), and testing based on statistical methods and techniques (product quality control). Process quality control strongly builds on the deployed measurement practices from the Test Measurement process area from TMMi level 4. Product quality control builds on the deployed practices from the Product Quality Evaluation process area from TMMi level 4. Both types of quality control make use of available measurement data regarding the test process and product quality from the TMMi level 4 process areas.

质量控制过程域跟踪建立一个统计控制的测试过程的实践,以及基于统计方法和技术的测试。质量控制过程很强的建立在部署测量实践(TMMI4测试测量)。 质量控制基于部署实践。两种类型的质量控制使用可用的测试数据和产品质量。

Specific Goal and Practice Summary

SG 1 Establish a Statistically Controlled Test Process SP 1.1 Establish test process performance objectives SP 1.2 Establish test process performance measures SP 1.3 Establish test process performance baselines SP 1.4 Apply statistical methods to understand variations SP 1.5 Monitor performance of the selected test processes


SG 2 Perform Testing using Statistical Methods SP 2.1 Develop operational profiles SP 2.2 Generate and execute statistically selected test cases SP 2.3 Apply statistical test data to make stop-test decisions


