
PA 5.1 Defect Prevention 缺陷预防


The purpose of Defect Prevention is to identify and analyze common causes of defects across the development lifecycle and define actions to prevent similar defects from occurring in the future.


Introductory Notes

In line with the evolutionary test model [Gelperin and Hetzel], testing at TMMi level 5 completes its journey from being detection-focused to being a prevention-focused process. In line with this view of testing, testing is focused on the prevention of defects that otherwise might have been introduced rather than just their detection during testing activities. Defect Prevention involves analyzing defects that were encountered in the past, identifying causes and taking specific actions to prevent the occurrence of those types of defects in the future. The selection of defects to be analyzed should be based on various factors including risk. Focus needs to be given to those areas where prevention of defects has the most added value (usually in terms of reduced cost or risk) and/or where the defects are most critical. Attention should be given to both existing types of defects as well as new types of defects such as defects that are new to the organization but are known to occur in the industry. Defect Prevention activities are also a mechanism for spreading lessons learned across the organization, e.g., across projects.


Defect Prevention improves quality and productivity by preventing the introduction of defects into a product. Industry data shows that reliance on detecting defects after they have been introduced is usually not cost effective [Boehm]. It is usually more cost effective to prevent defects from being introduced by integrating Defect Prevention practices into each phase of the project. At TMMi level 5, an organization will know which is more cost effective, prevention or detection of a certain type of defect. Many process improvement models emphasize the use of causal analysis as a means of continually improving the capability of the process. Examples of methods for causal analysis are specific causal analysis meetings, using tools such as fault tree analysis and cause/effect diagrams, project retrospectives, causal analysis during formal reviews, and usage of standard defect classifications.


Defect Prevention is a mechanism to evaluate the complete development process and identify the most effective improvements regarding product quality. As part of the Defect Prevention practices, trends are analyzed to track the types of defects that have been encountered and where they were introduced, and to identify defects that are most likely to reoccur. A (test) measurement process is already in place having been introduced at level 4. The available measures can be used, though some new measures may be needed to analyze the effects of the process changes. Based on an understanding of the organization’s defined standard development and test process and how it is implemented, the root causes of the defects and the implications of the defects for future activities are determined. Specific actions are defined and taken to prevent reoccurrence of the identified defects. Defect Prevention is an essential part of a mature test process. Defects found during development, testing or even during production must be systematically analyzed, prioritized and action must be undertaken to prevent them from occurring in the future. The test organization coordinates the Defect Prevention activities. This should be done in close cooperation with other disciplines, e.g., requirements engineering, system engineering and/or software development, as improvement actions will often affect other disciplines.



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The process area Defect Prevention addresses the practices for identifying and analyzing common causes of defects, and defining specific actions to remove the common causes of those types of defects in the future, both within the project, and elsewhere in the organization. All defects, whether found during development, testing or in the field, are within the scope of the process area. Process defects that have resulted in outliers and not meeting expected process performance also are within the scope. Since Defect Prevention needs measurement data and measurement processes as an input, Defect Prevention builds on the TMMi level 4 measurement practices and available measurement data regarding development, testing and product quality.


Specific Goals and Practice Summary

SG 1 Determine Common Causes of Defects 明确常见的问题原因

SP 1.1 Define defect selection parameters and defect classification scheme SP 1.2 Select defects for analysis SP 1.3 Analyze causes of selected defects 

SG 2 Prioritize and Define Actions to Systematically Eliminate Root Causes of Defects 分级和定义行为来系统地减少缺陷主要原因。

SP 2.1 Propose solutions to eliminate common causes SP 2.2 Define action proposals and submit improvement proposals

