
Specific Practices by Goals

SG 1 Determine Common Causes of Defects 确定缺陷的常见原因

Common and root causes of selected defects are systematically determined.


SP 1.1 Define defect selection parameters and defect classification scheme


Selection parameters for the defects to be analyzed and a detailed defect classification scheme are defined. Example work products 1. Defect selection parameters 2. Defect classification scheme Sub-practices 1. Determine defect selection parameters The selection of defects should be based on various factors including risk. Focus needs to be given to those areas where prevention of defects has the most added value and/or where the defects are most critical. Examples of defect selection parameters include the following:  The potential damage a defect of this type can have  The frequency of a defect’s occurrence  The effort it takes to repair the defect  An estimation of the effort it takes to prevent the defect from recurring  The rework costs of the defect  The extent to which the defect has a negative impact on process performance 2. Review and agree the defined defect selection parameters with relevant stakeholders 3. Revisit defect classification scheme A consistent defect classification allows statistics to be obtained regarding improvement areas to be analyzed across the organization. The defects to be analyzed will be recorded from all lifecycle phases, including maintenance and operation. Standards such as [IEEE 1044] allow a common classification of anomalies leading to an understanding of the project stages when faults are introduced, the project activities occurring when faults are detected, the cost of rectifying the faults, the cost of failures, and the stage where the defect was raised versus where it should have been found (also known as defect leakage) [ISTQB ITP]. IEEE 1044 distinguishes the following four phases in the incident/defect lifecycle:  Recognition - When the incident is found  Investigation - Each incident is investigated to identify all known related issues and proposed solutions  Action - A plan of action is formulated on the basis of the investigation (resolve, retest)  Disposition - Once all actions required are complete the incident shall be closed In each phase a number of attributes have been defined by the standard that can be used for classification. IEEE 1044 provides comprehensive lists of classifications and related data items, such as the following:  During recognition the following classifications (including related data items) are provided: project activity, phase, suspected cause, repeatability, system, product status, etc.  During investigation the following classifications (including related data items) are provided: actual cause, defect source, defect type, etc.


例子动作产品:1. 缺陷选择特征,2,缺陷分类体系,方法。

子实践:1. 决定缺陷选择特征,缺陷选择应该基于多种因素比如风险,对于那些阻止缺陷能有很多附加值的地方和关键的地方,应该多关注。选择缺陷特征的例子包括: 这类问题具有的潜在危害,缺陷出现的频度,修复缺陷需要的精力,阻止缺陷再次发生的精力评估,缺陷新工作需要的消耗, 2. 和利益相关人就缺陷选择特征进行重审和定义。 3. 再次检查缺陷分类方法,一致的缺陷运行统计获得,要分析的缺陷在整个生命周期阶段被记录,包括维护和运营。。。。。。

The defect classification scheme typically initially defined at the Test Design and Execution process area and possibly enhanced at later stages, e.g., as part of the Test Measurement process area, will be re-used in this sub-practice. The defect classification scheme is revisited from a defect prevention perspective; is all defect data recorded that is needed for an effective and efficient defect prevention process. Note that the revisted defect classification scheme shall now be applied during defect logging activities such as SP 3.3 Report test incidents (process area Test Design and Execution) and SP 5.2 Report non-functional test incidents (process area Non-functional Testing). 4. Review and agree revisited defect classification scheme with relevant stakeholders

缺陷分类方法通常在测试设计和执行过程域被定义,可能在后面不断加强。比如,作为测试测量过程域的一部分,将会在本部分重复使用。缺陷分类体系被再次检查,使用缺陷预防的观点。是一个缺陷数据记录,作为缺陷预防的一种高效有用的方法。。。。 4. 重审和重新检查缺陷分类体系,和相关利益人。

SP 1.2 Select defects for analysis 选择要分析的缺陷

Defects are selected from the defect repository for detailed analysis. Example work products 1. Defects selected for further analysis (including rationale) Sub-practices 1. Identify and select stakeholders who need to contribute to the defect selection process The participants can be selected from business, development, maintenance, service management, application support, testing and relevant third parties. The participants can also be a standard team under the umbrella of the Test Process Group, enhanced with ad hoc participants for specific defects. 2. Execute kick-off The kick-off has the following purposes:  Explaining the process that will be followed during the defect selection meeting  Making concrete arrangements about the preparation and the time and place of the meeting  Explaining the selection parameters and classification scheme If all participants are experienced in the defect selection process, the kick off may not be needed. 3. Prepare for the defect selection Examples of activities to be carried out during the preparation for defect selection include the following:  Establish a comprehensive list of all defects. Defects reports can originate from static testing, dynamic testing, actual usage in operation and from process performance outliers  Make an initial selection from the defect repository. During this activity, the defects that have a small likelihood of being selected, for instance minor defects, are removed from the list. Defects that adhere to the defect selection parameters are identified  Perform an initial analysis on the defects, e.g., to identify defect types that have high occurrence, using techniques such as Pareto Analysis and Histograms 4. The stakeholders decide which defects (or defect types) will be analyzed in detail. The defect selection parameters and other information prepared are used to make this decision. Attention should be given to both existing types of defects as well as new types of defects


例子工作产品:1. 选择的缺陷作为将来分析。

子实践:1. 明确和选择相关利益人,他们将会对缺陷选择过程工作。参与者从商务,开发,维护,服务管理,应用支持,测试和关联的第三者中选出。 2,开始, 开始工作有以下几个目的:在缺陷选择会议上解释要执行的过程,解释选择特征和分类方法。 如果所有的参与人都是有经验的,项目启动会议就没有必要了。 3. 准备缺陷选择,准备缺陷选择要执行的活动包括:建立所有缺陷的综合列表。从缺陷库做一个初始选择,在这个活动中,缺陷极少被选择。小的问题呗删除。遵循缺陷选择标准的问题明确。 执行初始分析。 4. 相关利益人决定哪些问题被详细分析。缺陷选择特征和其他信息被使用来做决定。对于应该存在的问题类型和新的问题类型都应该被注意。

SP 1.3 Analyze causes of selected defects


Perform causal analysis of selected defects to determine their root causes and identify common causes. Example work products 1. Root causes of selected defects 2. Common causes of defects Sub-practices 1. Analyze selected defects to determine their root cause The root cause is to be found in the specific activity within the development or testing phase where the defect was injected. The root cause of the defect is determined using supporting methods. Depending on the number of defects, it may make sense to first group the defects, e.g., by type, before identifying their root causes. Examples of supporting methods to determine root causes include the following [ISTQB ITP]:  Cause/effect diagrams  Ishikawa fishbone diagrams  Fault tree analysis  Process analysis  Use of standard defect classifications [IEEE 1044]  Checklists  FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis)  Hardware Software Interaction Analysis 2. Determine common causes of the selected defects The selected defects are grouped based on their root causes. Examples of categories of common root causes include the following:  Process  People (skills and knowledge)  (Project) organization  Communication  Architecture  Technology, e.g., tools, test environment 


例子工作产品:1. 选择缺陷的根本原因。2,缺陷的常见原因。

子实践:1.分析选中的缺陷来决定他们的根本原因,缺陷的根本原因被明确使用支持的方法。依赖于缺陷的数目,首先为缺陷分组是有意义的。方法:因果图,鱼骨图,错误树分析。过程分析。标准缺陷分类,检查列表,软硬件交互分析。 2.明确选择缺陷的常见原因。选择缺陷被分组基于他们的根本原因。例子: 过程,人,项目组织,交流,框架,技术。

